Qibla Direction UAE is an app that helps Muslims in the United Arab Emirates determine the direction of the Qibla (the direction towards the Kaaba in Mecca) for prayer. The app uses the devices GPS to determine the users location and then calculates the direction of the Qibla based on that information. The app also includes a compass feature that shows the direction of the Qibla in real time as the user moves. Additionally, the app also provides Audio MP3 Quran in Arabic and English languages. It also has Islamic Ratio Stations which you can listen to from anywhere, anytime! This app is useful for Muslims who are traveling or living in the UAE, as it helps them to find the direction of Qibla and listen to Audio MP3 of the Quran and Muslim Radio stations.ميزات التطبيق الرئيسية:احصل على اتجاه القبلة بدقة 100٪ من داخل الإمارات وخارجها.استمع إلى صوت القرآن الكريم MP3 باللغتين العربية والإنجليزية.قم بتنزيل القرآن الكريم MP3 داخل التطبيق للاستخدام دون اتصال بالإنترنت.الاستماع إلى محطات الراديو الإسلامية في جميع أنحاء العالم!يرجى إعطاء تقييمك القيم وردود الفعل هنا على متجر Google Play.بارك الله بكم جميعا!